Sunday, April 15, 2007


Seminars for 2007 - Seminar 1: Hearing God's Voice

Hearing God’s Voice

Saturday 12th May, 10 am to 4 pm


Beth Tephillah Ministry Centre,

55 Park Crescent, Williamstown (Mel 55 J7)

"Hear the Word of the Lord" has been a common instruction to God’s people through the centuries. Jesus, who IS that Word, told us that sheep listen for their shepherd’s voice and follow him because they know his voice, and He expects His sheep to respond to His voice.

This seminar aims to help participants hear, identify, understand and obey the voice of Father God.

Cost: $25.00. There will be practical sessions. Refreshments will be provided. BYO lunch.

Please advise Malcolm or Diana Dow you are coming as places are limited.

Contact Beth Tephillah Ministry Centre, PO Box 138 Williamstown, 3016. Phone: 9397 2430, Fax: 9397 2430, or Email to

Download a brochure in PDF format: Hearing God's Voice Seminar Brochure.

The 2007 seminar series continues on the following dates: