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Sunday, June 7, 2009
Tassie trip
We have just returned from a 9-day trip to Tasmania with Funtastic Christian Tours. A really well organised tour, taking in sights from Launceston to Freycinet National Park, Richmond, Bothwell, Mt Field National Park and Hobart. Kerry, the coach captain, drove well and entertained us with background to all the along the routes we travelled, including some gravel roads through wonderfully green hills and valleys. We had a great lunch prepared by Geeveston Community Church and enjoyed singing in their picturesque church. There has been a worshipping community there since the 1880s. Travelling with a bunch of believers from a number of different traditions made for a stimulating time with lots of laughter. The accommodation was first rate and the the tour well paced so we returned home refreshed. Well done Kevin and Judy.
We completed the Baptist World Aid Australia five week 5050 program looking at poverty alleviation, and our role in bringing justice in the world. It was challenging, but also encouraging to know the value of our prayers and involvement.
God hears the cries of the poor and oppressed. We're going to be looking at how we can hear God's voice and live more closely to him in daily life. As followers of Jesus we want to learn to listen to the Father and obey him as Jesus did.
We completed the Baptist World Aid Australia five week 5050 program looking at poverty alleviation, and our role in bringing justice in the world. It was challenging, but also encouraging to know the value of our prayers and involvement.
God hears the cries of the poor and oppressed. We're going to be looking at how we can hear God's voice and live more closely to him in daily life. As followers of Jesus we want to learn to listen to the Father and obey him as Jesus did.
Labels: Baptist World Aid Australia, hearing Gods voice, Tasmania, tours
Monday, March 9, 2009
News for rejoicing
Our KYB study of Psalms of mercy and hope reminds us, "It is good to praise the LORD" (Psalm 92:1) and, "declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples." (Psalm 95:3). There are some good things happening at Beth Tephillah which are worth sharing:
When we returned to the KYB group in January, Heather did just that. She had been bursting to share with the ladies the good news, that just before Christmas her husband, Ray, had accepted Jesus. It encouraged other wives to continue praying that their husbands might too come to know the love of God for themselves.
We have been happy to welcome Ray to the gatherings on Friday evenings and he is obviously taking in a great deal as he makes comments and asks questions. This Friday we will celebrate his 78th birthday with him.
Speaking of birthdays, we celebrated 100 years on 31st January - not the church (we're 140 now) - but Mal was 60 and Kev 40 in January, so they had a combined party. It was a bit of fun to start the year.
Last Friday night we were pleased to welcome Steve into membership. He's endeared himself to us since he started coming last year. He's already shown himself really good at washing dishes, and we're discovering his other gifts as we get to know him better.
Before Easter Beth Tephillah is being used by one of the interchurch Lenten study groups. Great to be sharing with others of the Body of Christ in the Williamstown and Newport areas. Our facilitator is Peter Clark, the pastor from Newport Baptist Church. Peter's also a CFA chaplain who has been involved in the aftermath of the Victorian bushfires. Many harrowing stories but also amazing deliverance, courage and generosity, showing that God is bringing good out of this most terrible devastation.
Having spent 2008 considering the glory of God and how we live to bring him glory and share his glory, we have begun to explore worship together on Friday nights. Using a Vineyard DVD to aid us we are wanting to learn how all of life becomes a spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1).
When we returned to the KYB group in January, Heather did just that. She had been bursting to share with the ladies the good news, that just before Christmas her husband, Ray, had accepted Jesus. It encouraged other wives to continue praying that their husbands might too come to know the love of God for themselves.
We have been happy to welcome Ray to the gatherings on Friday evenings and he is obviously taking in a great deal as he makes comments and asks questions. This Friday we will celebrate his 78th birthday with him.
Speaking of birthdays, we celebrated 100 years on 31st January - not the church (we're 140 now) - but Mal was 60 and Kev 40 in January, so they had a combined party. It was a bit of fun to start the year.
Last Friday night we were pleased to welcome Steve into membership. He's endeared himself to us since he started coming last year. He's already shown himself really good at washing dishes, and we're discovering his other gifts as we get to know him better.
Before Easter Beth Tephillah is being used by one of the interchurch Lenten study groups. Great to be sharing with others of the Body of Christ in the Williamstown and Newport areas. Our facilitator is Peter Clark, the pastor from Newport Baptist Church. Peter's also a CFA chaplain who has been involved in the aftermath of the Victorian bushfires. Many harrowing stories but also amazing deliverance, courage and generosity, showing that God is bringing good out of this most terrible devastation.
Having spent 2008 considering the glory of God and how we live to bring him glory and share his glory, we have begun to explore worship together on Friday nights. Using a Vineyard DVD to aid us we are wanting to learn how all of life becomes a spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1).
Labels: birthday, glory, KYB, membership, salvation, worship
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas and New Year at Beth Tephillah
We had a great celebration on Christmas Day, worshipping the King. The birth of Jesus was both a beginning and an end. Then 13 gathered for Christmas lunch. We will continue on Friday evening with the usual 6 pm meal followed by some more carol singing and the Bible Study. Leading up to Christmas we had looked at the eight I AM statements Jesus made which are recorded in John's Gospel. On Friday we will discuss I AM the Alpha and the Omega, Jesus' statement in Revelation. When we gather on New Year's Eve at 7.30 pm that theme will continue as we end one year and begin 2008. We'll have a video, nibbles and share communion before watching fireworks at midnight on the television.
Friday evening gatherings will continue through January as normal, just as most other churches continue Sunday services even in holiday times.
Friday evening gatherings will continue through January as normal, just as most other churches continue Sunday services even in holiday times.
Labels: Christmas, Jesus, New Year
KYB in 2007
Twenty-five ladies from seventeen different churches spent a great year in the Know Your Bible study in Williamstown. For some, the first study of the year - The Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testament - brought them a deeper understanding of Who the Holy Spirit is, and how involved He was with the Father and the Son as the Godhead worked out our wonderful plan of salvation after Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. He is the means by which we live our lives as followers of Jesus, just as Jesus, the Man filled with the Spirit, was able to obey His Father and fulfill the plan.
Then we considered More of God's Women - Rebekah, Rahab, Abigail, Jehosheba, Lydia and Priscilla. Each in their different way taught us, some how 'not' to behave! How important each individual is, responding to the challenges of life and trusting God. He has a place for us all in His kingdom's work.
Our final study, October - December, was of Psalms 73-89, entitled Psalms of Faithfulness. Honest, raw, faithfilled declarations of real human beings struggling with situations of trouble, injustice and difficulties of life. Through it all the Faithful God who can be trusted was seen.
We're on holiday now until 31st January 2008 when we begin our next study, Ephesians. See the KYB page for more details.
Then we considered More of God's Women - Rebekah, Rahab, Abigail, Jehosheba, Lydia and Priscilla. Each in their different way taught us, some how 'not' to behave! How important each individual is, responding to the challenges of life and trusting God. He has a place for us all in His kingdom's work.
Our final study, October - December, was of Psalms 73-89, entitled Psalms of Faithfulness. Honest, raw, faithfilled declarations of real human beings struggling with situations of trouble, injustice and difficulties of life. Through it all the Faithful God who can be trusted was seen.
We're on holiday now until 31st January 2008 when we begin our next study, Ephesians. See the KYB page for more details.
Labels: bible study, Holy Spirit, Know Your Bible, KYB, ladies discussion group
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Generational Healing Seminar
A full day, in more senses than one, with 41 people at Beth Tephillah today for our Generational Healing seminar. Our publicity says "places are limited", so the 5 who left it to this morning were fortunate that 4 who had booked were late cancellations.
It was cosy, but the buzz developing through the day indicated the good atmosphere we enjoyed together. Lots of interesting comments and questions as we explored our part in bringing healing to the unresolved sin issues in our family history. The use of genograms as a tool to identify patterns through the generations was new to some, and for some, just looking at their family tree brought understanding of issues they face, and why their life has not gone well.
In preparing the teaching, I was again struck by the immensity of God's grace that the blessings of obedience to His ways is to a thousand generations of those who love Him, while the consequence of disobedience is generally limited to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Him. (Exodus 20:4). Also, as the Sandfords put it so well, "Wherever men will let Jesus Christ reap the dire effects of the law through forgiveness and atonement on the cross, God can prevent tragedy. (God) has set Himself to obey His own laws. So whenever men will not repent, and by that fail to give Him access, men must reap, generation to generation, whatever is sown, however unfair that may be to the unborn and however much our loving God doesn’t want that to happen." (John and Paula Sandford, Transforming the Inner Man: God's Powerful Principles for Inner Healing and Lasting Life Change
, p. 188-189).
So we see that the atoning death of Christ is always effective for personal sin, and when applied to corporate sin, is equally effective to bring healing to generational lines. How wonderful is the blood of Jesus to deal with all sin and bring us into all the freedom of the children of God.
Hearing some of the family inheritances that people have, makes me very grateful for my own heritage, and full of admiration for those, who in spite of the generational iniquity have, by their commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, brought blessing to their family line.
As Mal concluded today, "If done well, dealing with generational iniquity not only brings a great amount of healing to the person receiving ministry, but also to their children, and often also sideways to other members of their family." We trust that for the families represented at Beth Tephillah today, this will prove true.
By the way, we've changed the date of the 4th seminar, on dissociation, to 24th November. Places are being booked much earlier for this than for our other seminars, so we expect another "full" day in November.
It was cosy, but the buzz developing through the day indicated the good atmosphere we enjoyed together. Lots of interesting comments and questions as we explored our part in bringing healing to the unresolved sin issues in our family history. The use of genograms as a tool to identify patterns through the generations was new to some, and for some, just looking at their family tree brought understanding of issues they face, and why their life has not gone well.
In preparing the teaching, I was again struck by the immensity of God's grace that the blessings of obedience to His ways is to a thousand generations of those who love Him, while the consequence of disobedience is generally limited to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Him. (Exodus 20:4). Also, as the Sandfords put it so well, "Wherever men will let Jesus Christ reap the dire effects of the law through forgiveness and atonement on the cross, God can prevent tragedy. (God) has set Himself to obey His own laws. So whenever men will not repent, and by that fail to give Him access, men must reap, generation to generation, whatever is sown, however unfair that may be to the unborn and however much our loving God doesn’t want that to happen." (John and Paula Sandford, Transforming the Inner Man: God's Powerful Principles for Inner Healing and Lasting Life Change
So we see that the atoning death of Christ is always effective for personal sin, and when applied to corporate sin, is equally effective to bring healing to generational lines. How wonderful is the blood of Jesus to deal with all sin and bring us into all the freedom of the children of God.
Hearing some of the family inheritances that people have, makes me very grateful for my own heritage, and full of admiration for those, who in spite of the generational iniquity have, by their commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, brought blessing to their family line.
As Mal concluded today, "If done well, dealing with generational iniquity not only brings a great amount of healing to the person receiving ministry, but also to their children, and often also sideways to other members of their family." We trust that for the families represented at Beth Tephillah today, this will prove true.
By the way, we've changed the date of the 4th seminar, on dissociation, to 24th November. Places are being booked much earlier for this than for our other seminars, so we expect another "full" day in November.
Labels: blessings, dissociation, family, family tree, generational iniquity, generational sin, genogram, healing, inheritance, seminar
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Charles Kraft - I Give You Authority
We met Charles Kraft back in 1995 and warmed to his style of ministry. When the Prayer Ministries Network invited him to conduct a Deep Healing seminar in 2001 Beth Tephillah Ministry Centre staff were heavily involved. In 2003 Beth Tephillah Ministries arranged a series of seminars on deep healing, spiritual warfare and leadership.
It is great that the Restoration conference 2007 gave us the opportunity to hear him expand more fully on the Authority we have as believers in Jesus Christ. Well done to the Restoration team and Australia for Christ Fellowship for their hard work. We connected with a lot of people and it is exciting to hear of more people being trained and equipped to minister healing and deliverance.
Dr. Kraft taught from his book, I Give You Authority
. Chuck's story, his humour, and years of experience encouraged us all to deal with sin issues that give the devil a foothold, to "have a go", and to exercise our authority in Jesus in all areas of life. As believers, our name is added to the credit card the Father gives to his children.
Chuck will be speaking at South Perth Church of Christ 23-25 August and Clovercrest Baptist Church (South Australia) 30 August - 1st September. I know the people who attend will enjoy themselves and learn heaps.
We are glad Meg was with him again this time. Since her last visit to Melbourne in 2003 she has published Frontline Women: Negotiating Crosscultural Issues in Ministry
. With her husband, Marguerite Kraft has taught generations of students at Fuller Seminary. Now retired, she is enjoying a quieter pace in between travelling with Chuck. We heard from him how his authority in Christ extended protective covering for his wife, children and grand-children.
It is great that the Restoration conference 2007 gave us the opportunity to hear him expand more fully on the Authority we have as believers in Jesus Christ. Well done to the Restoration team and Australia for Christ Fellowship for their hard work. We connected with a lot of people and it is exciting to hear of more people being trained and equipped to minister healing and deliverance.
Dr. Kraft taught from his book, I Give You Authority
Chuck will be speaking at South Perth Church of Christ 23-25 August and Clovercrest Baptist Church (South Australia) 30 August - 1st September. I know the people who attend will enjoy themselves and learn heaps.
We are glad Meg was with him again this time. Since her last visit to Melbourne in 2003 she has published Frontline Women: Negotiating Crosscultural Issues in Ministry
Labels: authority, Charles Kraft, conference, deliverance, healing